sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

NEW!!! - Tayren's Fantasy Fashion and !Indulge Temptation! from SWANK EVENT

Outfit: NEW!!! - Tayren's Fantasy Fashion (TFF) Summer Fun in Pink & Green Batik 
(available too in blue batik swirl, and purple & blue floral) at SWANK EVENT

Jewell Set: NEW!!!  - !Indulge Temptation! (!IT! ) - Precious Bond Set 1 
(includes HUD) at SWANK EVENT

GO NOW!!! --------> SWANK EVENT

Poses:  PosESioN 

Shape: My Own
Head: Catwa 
Skin Applier: L'etre
Makeup: L'etre

GO NOW!!! --------> SWANK EVENT

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